Friday, May 29, 2020

poem 52

old milk go biscuits
emaciated briquettes
dried apricots plums
cranberries revived
blessed water go biscuits
a dry run for coming famine
famine elsewhere 

coming home to lie 
with we who have enough
for now famine chases
farm factory workers
too sick to work
too sick to not
falling dead in furrows

falling dead at conveyors
falling dead at cutting
blocks stolen away greedy
combines’ viscous mowing
spit out in bales
buried during dark
moon’s moaning
bitter harvest

poem 51

old climbing rose played out
grey canes split drought
rains heavy and late
streamers not drops
plummet pound
fragile universe erupts
tiny soft green stars 

revision 5/29/20

poem 50

memory treacherous
memory all we have
clanging cellular accounts
letters tossed gone awry

how crammed purpose
destroys aspiration
risks block sales
chains forced steps

commingles what we know
with what we wish
with what they want us to remember
resilience relies upon surviving loss

no where else to lay our heads
only on slipping pillows
of stories told at dusk
luminous at dawn

Saturday, May 23, 2020

poem 49

old grey climber dead
thick split canes bark
at late rains come heavy

streamers not droplets
plummeting pounding
mere days fragile green
unfurls lifts sunward

poem 48

There is no return to Then.
There is only Now.

what i make
what you make
what we make

when in actuality
what we lost
is freedom to hug
anyone everyone

we carry what we always carry
crazy quilt of love joy regret guilt
unfathomable ecstasy despair
burning agonies soothing peace
bottoming out comfort solitude
communal leaning family
broken or thickly stranded
war jealousy hate cruelty
driven achievements hollow
useless dying glows we burnish
cup hands around flames we
imagine not existent insistent
love carries us unless we succumb
in sinful seas of greed tempting us
beyond reason still there’s love
all this and far more we carry
what we have no real words for
what we long to set down
and do not dare not too afraid
of being suddenly freed trapped

Now—an enormous yawning universe
takes a breath we lean away from
want to stifle as we run terrified run
wildly towards when given courage
by bright new days rainy shiny dawns
we want to race across deserts as if distant
ranges of possibility hold only comfort
prosperity without risks challenges
new griefs new moral dilemmas
complexities we can not yet see
as if we can leave all that far behind
as far behind as our fantasized Then
we so long for tie our ankles to
selectively dragging a web of longing
there is no return yet time measures us
as it pours through ancestors fingers
let fall what may lean into their ghost
arms lay our heads on their broad misty
shoulders their whispers echo vibrate
our breasts warns us keep potatoes from
rot yourself from moral blight and greed
your life only a tossed grain rippling rings
no greater no less than any other grain
winds whisper winds whisper winds whisper
remember Love remember Love remember Love

poem 47

memory treacherous
memory all we have


             hanging cellular accounts
             letters tossed awry
             crammed purpose destroys
             commercializes commingles
             aspiration violence innocence       



nowhere to lay our heads except
on slipping pillows stories told at dusk

Friday, May 8, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

poem 45

Itza Wildin flew
right off rails
bucking under
restraint hanging
swinging breasts
crack her heart
a hairsuit crabbed
together unspeakable
long known wounds

Itza Wildin lumbers
when not flying
as if slowness
saves a moment
if not a day
stillness shines
buttercups new

as if plain light
were enough
until it is

poem 44

Itza Wildin took 
to invisibility
pacing dodging 
mental combines 
lumbering across 
her soulbrain 
stretched out 
a disappearing 
ravaged geography 
where winds whip 
green oats still 
heady with Spring 
blades spin roar 
devour remnants 
as if thrashed hopes
winnowed passions
never existed

Sunday, May 3, 2020

poem 43

grief claims a blank page as her own

poem 42

if a long breath running the entire
    geographies of lungs pushing ribs
    to meet Buddha at crossroads
    of acceptance what lies ahead
    a mystery of line interrupted exhales

if a breath running third eye to toe tip
    stumbles on ego unchecked clutters
    catches on exhale convulsively
    coughs stuttering staggering on
    pretending nothing wrong sighs

if a long breath runs head on
    into grief bound muscles frozen
    nerves afraid of release in terror
    of acceptance wilted buds empty
    promises exhausts nothing 

if a long breath unexpectedly relieves
    heart bleats slow blood falls down
    pools in flattened arches stills 

    heels no impatient taps soles
    quiet not running away freely exhales

Saturday, May 2, 2020

poem 41

on the other side rowboats
tossing dreams in rough seas
winds forecast fires coming

poem 40

i can not go to the streams
but the winged ones come sing
morning on morning on morning
now a few days beyond mating
in hidden precious nests
hopes pulse within calcite stars
aligned and stacked
hard thin fragile ellipsis
wait cracking [an inside job]

tiny beaks hammer and hammer
for oxygen and light and night
stars realign in pinpoints
where angels might dance
bursting crackling thin lines
lightening thunders within
an incredulous moment
blooming shards hinge away
rapture tumbles out and rolls
a universe of hungry wet feathers 

               April 30, 2020

poem 39

making black coffee Eavan Boland
toasting a biscuit Eavan Boland
spilling hot coffee while 

walking in your poems

Eavan Boland died Monday
in Dublin in Dublin two maps
mother daughter wife professor 

provocateur poet

You gave me the dead end roads 

where lies my heritage hid in verdant 
tangles and rocky highlands where 
blighted potatoes rotted 
where my starving slave ancestors 
cut roads with no end in sight
died shovels in hands rocks 
in hands left to rot where they fell

You versed our stories

gave we women place
within the Irish canon
Heaney and Yeats
and their brothers live on

where you now dwell 

               April 29, 2020

poem 38

star gone inward black hole
my universe darkly weeps

                  April 28, 2020